It is true that seasonal flu kills many people worldwide every year. More than previously died from the corona virus. Nevertheless, one cannot draw the conclusion...
Scientists and health authorities assume that coronaviruses are primarily passed on through a droplet and contact infection - i.e. through direct coughing or physical...
Science is still learning something new almost every day about the new Sars-CoV-2 virus. However, it is currently assumed that an infection with Sars-CoV-2 leads...
The pathogen is a virus from the group of the corona viruses . "We have known this virus group for many years. Says Professor Marylyn Addo from the...
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 has developed into a pandemic Lung disease Covid-19 affects people worldwide and the number of deaths is...
The government has chosen to increase the BRT service to cover fresh territories in order to address Peshawar's increasing transport demands.
Chief Minister of Khyber...