What is Push Up and How Push Up is Beneficial For You?

What is Push Up and its Benefits?

Today, we are going to discuss what is push up and which are the Push-up Benefits?

in our previous article, we have talked about How Awarding Great Job is Beneficial for You?

But, today we will talk about push up and push up benefits.

This is another exciting feature of socioON. By pressing the Push up button will actually boost up the post to the top of everyone’s profile with a FIFO (first in first out) behavior and add some money to it.

If someone Push Up the second post just after pushing the first one then the second post will go on to the top and the first post will take the second place at the public wall and so on.

What Happens When I Press the Push Up Button?

 When you invest in Public Posts/Status then the clickable earning starts on those posts and it continues until the post has money.

When the status/post goes out of money, the Green Heart becomes Red and the earning stops.

People cannot earn from such posts while the post owner and the viewer is keen to earn money through such posts.

So what could be the possible solution of such posts which were very much interesting and users were unable to earn through that?

socioON has now offered a Push Up button to all of its users, in order to strengthen the accounts of the users and providing unlimited opportunities for smooth earning.

So, when you press the Push Up button, your Red Heart post becomes Green and the earning starts again.

now let’s discuss in detail the Push Up benefits

Push up Benefits Looks Like Great Job But Works as a Tiny Feed

The concept of Push up is just like a Great Job but its working is the same as the Feed does. But it’s a tiny feed. You can say that 40 Push Ups will be equal to 1 Feed.

So for those people which are having low Spendable Balance they cannot give Feed to any post, now they will be able to Push Up the posts in pennies and their earning will start at once on such small and tiny Feeds.

So, by pushing up each other’s posts are not only providing an equal chance to make money online across the portal but the users are seeing multiple continuous posts flow at their walls.

They are in touch with various kinds of people belonging to various religions, values, customs, language, color, and sects from different countries.

Note*: The user is allowed only once to press the Push Up button on one post in 24 hours. Whether he can Push Up multiple posts but the posts he pushed up will not be pushed up again within 24 hours. Although, he/she can push up again the same posts after 24 hours.

We have discussed what is Push up and what types of push up benefits may be supportive for your posts to get the top ranking at socioON feed.

For more information please join us at https://www.socioON.com/

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