Kashmir Solidarity Day 2020

Every year the people of Pakistan observe February,5 as each day to reiterate their solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOK). It demonstrated their support for the just struggle for the proper of self -determination of people of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) also as pay tribute to martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for freedom. This year, Kashmir Day is of particular significance because it is being observed within the backdrop of the Indian annexation of IOK.

Kashmir Solidarity Day, also known as ‘Youm-e-Yakhjehti-e-Kashmir’ has been observed in Pakistan since 1990 as a day of protest against Indian control of part of Kashmir.

To express solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir in their legitimate struggle for right to self-determination, the Kashmir Solidarity Day was observed in the SocioOn Pakistan First Social Media with Get-Group.

Also Check : Any Different For Kashmiri’s This Time

The Indian government imposed a blanket security clampdown and communication blockade of the whole IOK. It rushed 10000 regular Indian Army troops to strengthen the prevailing 700000 security personnel deployed in IOK to tackle any backlash by the Kashmiri’s.

Curfew was imposed in IOK, and enormous wasn’t spared and remain under detention.

Indian security forces are trying to crush an indigenous and peaceful freedom movement being waged by people of IOK for many years.

Pakistan has always conserved that Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of partition and is an internationally recognized dispute which should be resolved in accordance the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)resolutions and aspirations of the people of Kashmir. Pakistan is committed to extending moral and diplomatic support to the people of IOK in their just struggle for freedom.

Pakistan’s efforts to spotlight Indian excesses, human rights violations and arbitrariness in Jammu and Kashmir have started bearing fruit. As a result of its diplomatic efforts, China has thus far summoned two meetings of UNSC to debate the Kashmir issue in August 2019 and January 2020 respectively.

Similarly, the International Media has bitterly criticized the Indian government for its human rights violations. That the UNSC took up the Kashmir issue after a lapse of fifty years may be a testimony that J&K is an internationally recognized dispute and belies Indian claims that it’s India’s internal matter.

India contends that Kashmir is its integral part and an indoor matter on the idea of an instrument of accession forcefully secured in October 1947 from the Dogra Raja Hari Singh.

India refuses to accept that Kashmir may be a political problem, and its latest moves are an effort to cause a demographic change in IOK and switch the bulk into a minority.

Pakistan cannot remain a silent spectator to the worsening situation in Kashmir and therefore the plight of Kashmiris. It expects the United Nations and therefore the International Community to place pressure on India to prevent right violations and refrain it from bringing about any demographic changes in Kashmir so as to make a conducive environment for holding talks with Pakistan to work out its future by holding a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with UNSC resolutions.

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