Ryan Robinson, a writer, and a successful blogger share his success story on its blog saying, to learn how to start a blog is the best career choices he has ever made. He added, his decision to learn how to start a blog and begin earning money from it on the side of his day job, is what drives him into building a six-figure freelance writing business. He mentioned, his clients include LinkedIn, Zendesk, Google Intuit, and the list is going. On top of that, his blog helped him generate over $25,000 in passive income every single month. He further added, more than anything, his choice to start a blog has allowed him to connect with over 2 million incredible people and to teach them how to start a blog.

Whether you are trying to build a freelance business empire, planning to launch a personal product or brand, earn money from blogging or just you are passionate and want to write. There’s nothing recommended more than exciting yourself to learn how to start a blog or create a free blog in this guide today.

This guide ultimately makes easier than ever to get starting a blog; the unawareness of technicalities that let you down in starting a blog will go to be defeated.

This is the reason we crafted this ideal guide and presented before you. In it, we will discuss every single thing you need to consider while learning how to start a blog and what benefit you can get from it. We will demonstrate to you the exact and required techniques and strategies that would help you create a free blog.

From selecting a domain names to find the finest hosting server to selecting the best blogging platform to identify a niche to choosing an eye-catching design to the creation of essential pages to developing a content strategy to publish and promotes your posts with the help of most suitable and finest resources available.

Now without any further delay, let’s dive into how to start a blog.

For your convenience, we have divided this ultimate guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog into ten distinct sections. It will guide you step by step to create a free blog of your own and it will even guide you to publish your first post online. After following this guide, your question of how to start a blog or how to create a blog will be answered in a most appropriate manner. Above all, this guide or tutorial will help you create a free blog.

let's get started


Here are steps listed in a sequence that will unveil how to start a blog or create a free blog of your own.

  1. Select your Blog’s Name and Domain.
  2. Find A Host Provider
  3. Choose a Blogging Platform
  4. Identify Your Niche and Find What To Blog About
  5. Select Design of Your Choice

Before kicking off this guide, it’s important to address the most frequent question that is how to start a free blog. Most of the people did not even know that they can create a free blog.

Can you start a free blog in 2019?

One can create a free blog? The answer is yes. Anyone can create a free blog. If you are just getting into learning how to start a blog, you might be bothered about the cost of developing and hosting your own blog. Luckily, in this modern age that is not much of an uphill task. There are tons of options available in the market that offer to create a free blog.

You would like to take blogging for a test drive? You would like to see if like it or not before spending up to the bucks for a complete self-hosted setup?

We already disclose you can create a free blog and indeed you can. The big question is: what is the best free blogging platform right now that can help you start a free blog.

Here are the 5 most reputable free platforms to create a free blog. These are the best resources if you want testing things out.

However, if you’re looking to set up a business through your blog or you want to make money online. We would love to suggest some of the paid yet affordable options. There are many reasons why we would not recommend you go to create a free blog. Few reasons are listed below why not to create a free blog.

  • Most free services have limits on monetization.
  • There is a lack of support.
  • Fewer customization options are available.

While it’s perfectly fine to learn or explore how to start a free blog, sometime a little investment in yourself make a successful roadway for the future.


We should make one thing off the beaten path first: The main thing obstructing beginning your very own blog is you. It’s anything but difficult to state that you don’t have time or you’re worn out from work or that it’s an excessive amount of exertion. In any case, that exertion is the thing that makes beginning a blog so justified, despite all the trouble.

The bar for how to start a blog—and what establishes incredible content—has been brought up in 2019. What’s more, in case you’re beginning a blog searching for incredibly sharp outcomes (for example acquiring cash from a blog tomorrow), you will be frustrated. You have to set practical inspirations.

This isn’t to say you can’t begin an effective blog in 2019. Truth be told, there are more open doors than at any time in recent memory. It’s simply that you have to ensure you’re not falling into specific traps at an appropriate time.

Here’s a real-world statistics: The most mainstream, effective and gainful web blogs in 2019 are altogether kept running by individuals who care profoundly about the topic they’re expounding on. They’re submitted and eager to post. Also, they realize that running a blog is a venture that will just bring them greater returns the more they keep at it.

Furthermore, if you are on the same page, your blog will be victorious!
Let’s plunge into the first step of how to start a blog.

Domain Name

1. Select Your Blog’s Name And Domain

The foremost step to start a blog is to select a suitable and appropriate name for your blog. Then you need to select a buy a domain in order to make your blog visible to the online world.

Domain names are your doorway to the online world. Once you have a bright idea for a website or blog, then you’re going to want a convincing domain name to go with it.
The first step in how to start a blog or how to create a blog is to buy a domain name for your website or blog. You need to look for a domain name registrar available in the market. Domain name registrars are the organizations that manage domain name behind the entire website available on the internet.

Most domain name registrars come equipped with similar sets of features, but also have distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Below are the most reputable domain name registrars where you can purchase the domain name of your choice at affordable prices.

Your blog name plays a vital role to attract visitors. Your blog name is the leading thing people witness when you show up in search results. Your domain name portrays you in a nutshell. It reveals what you’re writing about, and even your personality.

There are tons of ways to come up with a name for your blog; you can even use your own name or a nickname. So let me highlighted a few ways that will help you pick a name while you’re learning how to start a blog.

  • Identify Your Niche
  • Put Yourself In Reader’s Shoes
  • Find Out the Most Appealing Names

This is all about the first step in this guide on how to start a blog. I hope you will find it easier than ever before. Without any further delay let’s jump to the 2nd step of how to start a blog or how to create a blog in 2019 guide or tutorial.


2. Find a Host Provider

The next step in today’s guide on how to start a blog in 2019 has a technical reputation among all steps or stages. This step will help you in finding the most appropriate host provider for your blog.

Before kicking off to find out the hosting provider, we shall discuss web hosting’s basic understanding. Though, we are providing you with the best guide on how to start a blog in 2019. We consider it our obligation to cover all relevant things that will help you start a blog completely.

What is meant by Web Hosting?

In most simple words, web hosting is an activity of providing storage space to y

our website’s content that makes your website visible over the internet. It is the responsibility of a web hosting service provider to keep safe of all your files and make available it over the internet.

According to recent statistics, here we mention the top 10 web hosting services providers available in the market. They are really a very helping hand for people who start a blog.

  1. Bluehost
  2. Hostgator
  3. Siteground
  4. Hostinger
  5. Ipage
  6. Dreamhost
  7. A small Orange
  8. A2 Hosting
  9. Westhost
  10. Midphase

While there are several options available for web hosting. We would love to help you select the best web hosting service provider by highlighting the most important traits. You should consider the following characteristics before selecting the best web host when you start a blog.

  • Speed
  • Features
  • Security
  • Support
  • Track Record

We covered the two most important technical steps on our guide on how to start a blog so far. Selecting a domain and find the best web host services provider are the most crucial step while learning how to start a blog. Both these step are essential, for it will make your blog available over the internet and ready to capture visitors from worldwide.

content management system

3. Choose a Blogging Platform

We have covered two steps from our guide on how to start a blog so far. It’s time to move further in the real essence of how to start a blog. Before getting into selecting a platform for your blog you need to know, what are the basics of selecting the best platform out of many options available in the market? These details make our guide on how to start a blog outshined.

What is meant by Content Management System?

A content management system is a platform where we can write, design and publish our blog posts. Content management system offers you facilities to organize your content uploads images and videos, provide you with good control over themes and custom design. Most CMSs include Web-based publishing, format management, history editing, version control, indexing, search, and retrieval.

Here are the widely used content management systems listed below:

SocioON is the emerging social media and blogging platform that promotes social media influence in the market and also provides monetization facilities to its users. SocioON brings social media life and side earning on the same platform. You can use this trending platform for adding money stream along with social media services. You can create your account with no cost at this platform.

The CMS everyone has heard of named as WordPress. It provides loads of tools for content management. WordPress offers a great selection of themes and design. And what makes WordPress outshined is easy to use and practically affordable in price. WordPress allows you to create a free blog offering its wide range of themes and design.

The Hubspot stands always on top due to its customer satisfaction ranking. It offers various facilities when comes to content management in a well-managed approach.

Squarespace made easier to build a website from scratch for its users. It provides loads of themes for various categories. It is a beginner friendly CMS in today’s market. It attracts people from its intuitive user interface design.

Weebly is a popular solution for building a website in no time. It supports drag and drops website building. It is quite easy to add media including images, videos, and other files.

Wix is a modern cloud-based platform which is great for mobile optimized websites. Wix supports HTML5. It allows for a wide range of plugin. It is available at affordable prices.

This is all about selecting the finest content management systems available in the market. We covered 3rd step on our guide to how to start a blog so far. We hope we are providing our best on how to start a blog in 2019.

If you don’t want to use the above mentioned CMS for your blog, there are other options available that allow you to create a free blog. Like what we have for you in the list include Medium, Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace to start your free blog. You can also start a blog free blog on social media sites like Quora and LinkedIn.

However, I just have to mention it again; every free blogging platform will have some limitations.

And if you want to maximize the potential of your blog in terms of earning, then it is always recommended and worth it to start a blog on the well-managed platform and a self-hosted website.

So, this is the third step in our guide on how to start a blog. This step is quite important to follow if you are looking for an answer on how to start a successful blog. Content management platform plays an essential role, as it provides your blog a look and feels over the internet. These content management systems follow the user experience’s practices. They provide your blog user-focused design and established design pattern for product design consistency.

You are not too far to start a blog of your own over the internet or how to become a successful blogger. We have displayed all the technical information before you in our guide on how to start a blog. If you followed all the three-step in a sequence you will about to showcase your first content over the internet.

Let’s get dive into the next step in our guide on how to start a blog. What we have for you in the next step is quite important if you looking for an answer on how to become a successful blogger.


4. Identify Your Niche And Find What to Blog About

People don’t read a blog for its design and look. But they read your blog because you care about what your blog post says. Identification of your niche has its own worth in order to become a successful blogger. So, it is also a very crucial step towards your learning on how to start a blog.

Bernard Lowe, a fictional character in Hollywood movies says, “I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.”

Before you get too far down the road of learning how to start a blog of your own, planning every single step regarding starting a blog, and what would be its theme and design, you need to answer one simple question: Why?

Why do you care about the topic you selected for your blog?
Why should people give importance to what you are writing?
Why is this topic that you can add worth to?

This question can easily be answered, and help you identify your niche or topic you are going to blog about. We present you with a complete guide on how to start a blog.  Let’s get first to know what is a niche?

What is a niche?

A niche is something other than a subject. It’s the methodology you’re going to take, the gathering of people you need to follow, and the manner in which you’re going to converse with them and position yourself as a professional.

A niche doesn’t need to be your fascination (in spite of the fact that it’s unquestionably simpler to remain focused on beginning your blog when you’re enthusiastic about it). Yet, it has to be an enthusiasm of yours. The best niches are energizing enough that you’ll be roused to continually post about it, and available to the crowd of people over the internet.

So, your niche can be range from IT industry to Medical Sciences to Engineering to Literature to Art & Design to Traditional Cooking to Shipping Business to Knitting tips is all up to you.

The purpose of your blog requires a niche is that it offers attention. Your niche is how you’ll plan your content calendar, select on a design, and know where (and how) to market your blog. It’s also how your audience will discover you and how you will make networks with other bloggers.

Here I share a beautiful quotation, “When you write to everyone, you are writing to no one.” This quotation suggests the importance of niche if you are starting a blog.

For your convenience let us share the top niche finder software available in the market. They can help you find a better niche in no time. Keyword niche finder software is the great helping hands to starting a blog.

Here is the best niche finder software available in the market.

These services make our guide on how to start a blog outshined in the market. We not only proposed steps to starting a blog but also proposed relevant tools and techniques in order to answer your entire question on how to create a blog or how to make a blog or how to start a blog above all how to become a successful blogger.

This guide on how to start a blog now proudly presents the very next step that will help you in starting a blog. This step in our guide on how to create a blog is all about to select the most appropriate design for your blog. Please look ahead on our complete guide on how to create a blog or how to start a blog.


5. Select Design of Your Choice

Now that you have got the nuts and bolts of knowledge how to start a blog and it is placed together, now it’s time to turn this blank image into a work of visuals.

Now that you have got the nuts and bolts of knowledge how to start a blog and it is placed together, now it’s time to turn this blank image into a work of visuals.

Selecting a theme and design for your blog is one of the most crucial steps in starting a blog. For it will provide your blog a visual representation online. Let’s get deep into this step in our guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog.

Why Design is important?

In a 2018 study from Google and the University of Basel, researchers unveiled that users judge a website’s visual beauty and perceived functionality in less than 0.5 seconds. These statistics revealed how important to consider theme and design while learning how to start a blog or how to make a blog.

In addition, Jina Anne a famed web designer said, “In less time than it takes to snap your fingers, the reader decides whether or not to trust your blog.”

A Decent design builds trust. It informs people that you care sufficient about your blog to make it look pleasant. This doesn’t mean you need senseless animations or tons of fonts and colors. In fact, the greatest designs are humble, rich, and easy to read.

A pleasant theme and design for your blog are one of the best reasonable investments you can make primary on as you’re trying to fascinate more readers.

Here are a few suggestions of what to look for when selecting out themes:

  • A theme must be simple and clear.
  • A theme must be responsive for all sizes.
  • A theme must support different browsers.
  • A theme or design must support different plugins.
  • A theme or design must be SEO friendly.
  • Look for, ratings and review before finalizing any theme or design.

Where to find the best free themes and websites templates.

There are tons of platforms available on the internet where you can find hundreds of free themes and template for your blog. You can just download free theme or template from such resources and it will help you in starting a blog much faster. Here are the top 5 wonderful resources to find out good themes and design.

  1. Template Monster
  2. Web Flow
  3. Colorlib
  4. Free CSS
  5. Theme Forest

This is all that we bring in this step of our guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog. You need to pay sheer focus on this design if you want your question on how to become a successful blogger.

This is all about a detailed guide on how to start a blog or how to make a blog in 2019. From selecting a blog name to finding a domain name to finding a web host server to selecting a blogging platform to identify your niche to selecting a theme or design for your blog. We have proudly covered every single thing in our guide on how to start a blog or how to make a blog in 2019. We present not only steps in detail but also covered the best things in every single step this thing make our guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog most complete guide so far.

Let us sum up this guide by highlighting a few tips that will answer your question on how to become a successful blogger.

After you follow the steps highlighted in our guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog. The next step is to answer your query about how to become a successful blogger.

In order to answer your query about how to become a successful blogger. We proudly embrace reading a considerable habit. To become a successful blogger you need to be a voracious and passionate reader.

I am quite sure you’ve heard the phrase: “Readers are leaders.”

That’s a hundred percent right. You need to read things to enhance your knowledge if you are wondering how to become a successful blogger all over the internet. Here are a few platforms where you can read online or offline stuff on your devices.

What adds value to your blogs?

This guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog is a self-sufficient guide covering all aspects of how to start a blog or how to make a blog. These guides will gist your passion for starting a blog of your own.

Let me gist your passion by sharing a famous saying, “success is where preparation meets the opportunity.”

Before starting a blog you need to prepare yourself in a most efficient and effective manner. When you prepare yourself exceptionally in the finest manner success will kiss your feet. Our guide on how to start a blog or how to create a blog if followed honestly you will outshine in the market as the most emergent blogger.

Here I mention the factors that add value into your blog.

  • Use of Best Content Strategy Management Tools
  • Commit to a Regular Publishing Schedule
  • Use Photos and Visuals to stand out
  • Crating eye-catching headline that encourages the reader to click through
  • Promote your posts on social sites

You find it difficult? Don’t worry. We bring an answer to your query about how to become a successful blogger. Luckily there are lots of tools that can help you manage your social media posts throughout the week. In fact, with the right tool, you should be able to promote all your posts across social in just an hour or two a week. Here are my favorites:

  • Buffer
  • Hoot suite
  • Gain App

These tools help you schedule your promotional activities on social media sites. These tools make easy to start a blog or how to make a blog because they help you in sharing and keeping eye on your content.

We hope you will find this guide on how to start a blog or how to make a blog exceptionally helpful and easy. You are now ready to start a blog of your own in 2019. We also bring into your knowledge. We have also covered aspects of how to make a free blog in 2019. In addition, we demonstrate techniques that will answer your query about how to become a successful blogger.

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