Guess who appears if you search “Idiot” on Google (you would not believe your eyes!)

Google Idiot Get Pics of Trump

We search various things on Google the countless number of times every day and the most searched items start trending in a certain region or even worldwide. So when the word “idiot” trends on Google one might wonder what results it shows and surprisingly or unsurprisingly when you search the term it shows pictures of Donald J. Trump, yes the current President of United States.

In a very important Congressional Hearing U.S Rep. Zoe Lofgren asked about this particular issue to the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai to which he countered by saying that the searches on Google work on complicated algorithms that take into account more than 200 factors such as popularity, relevance, how people are using the search term to match the query with results.

So according to Pichai manipulation in the results is not possible by a person or a group of people because it involves a lot of complicated steps. But the Republicans were still skeptical about the whole scenario and believe in the myth that results can be altered on Google for political gains.

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