Establishment of new oil refinery in Gwadar worth $10 Billions

A new revolution is coming in Pakistan’s economy، The country’s economy can now change this through Gwadar because there has been a plan that has begun to end the country’s oil trade Will make a big center۔ A great good news for Pakistanis is that Pakistan’s 4 government petroleum companies have signed a commentator ( MOU ) in which Gwadar، A new oil refinery of 30 300,000 barrels of daily production capacity in Balochistan will be facilitated in Saudi investment of 10 10 billion۔This investment is the first and largest investment in the country in more than a decade۔ Negotiations with the Saudi company ’ Ramco‘ to implement the refinery project at Gwadar Port are complete and initial paperwork is being completed ۔Government Company Oil & Gas Development Co., Ltd. ( OGDCL ), Pakistan State Oil ( PSO)، Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PL) and Government Holdings Private Limited ( GHPL) combined to facilitate Saudi firm entering Pakistan with large investments Muffy memory has been signed to do so ۔

Yes، four Pakistani government agencies, with the help of Saudi Arabia, have signed three memoranda of understanding for a plan to establish an oil refinery worth billions of dollars ( MOUs ) There are also an agreement with a Chinese firm on engineering, procurement and construction ( EPC)۔If you talk briefly about the project, the four government companies will be involved in the project through equity partnerships۔The project plans to establish an integrated refinery petrochemical complex with the ability to process at least 300,000 barrels of crude oil with petrochemical facility And the integrated complex will consist of a variety of elements, including marine infrastructure, petrochemical complex, crude oil storage and refining utilities, pipeline connectivity, etc۔ Remember that despite the need for economic growth according to the Petroleum Division, no new refinery project has been launched in Pakistan for more than a decade and over the past 40 years Only two refineries were added, with the actual capacity utilization of about 1 million tons compared to the capacity of 2 million tons of refining۔This is mainly due to the reduction in demand for furnace oil in the country as the change in energy mix in the power sector and the fixed production slate of refineries which is only petrol and high speed diesel Can’t produce and all products are manufactured at the same time۔As the demand for furnace oil decreases، Refineries have to reduce their total production and strive to maintain their throwput at the best level۔This is despite the fact that independent consultants have predicted that by 2023, demand for petrol and diesel in Pakistan has increased from 3 million to 3 million tons per year۔The government has recently adopted a new policy to facilitate Saudi investment in refining, with a new dip conversion of at least 300,000 barrels per day The oil refinery will be eligible for 7.5% customs duty for 25 years to achieve the financial end of the project within 5 years on all grades of petrol and diesel۔ Also remember that the said refinery will also receive a 20-year tax exemption and will receive customs duties, surcharges, soldering tax, general sales tax، Any other ad valorum tax or equipment import will also be entitled to exemption from taxes and duties۔These financial incentives and other facilities are funded by Project Company, Key Sponsors، The project agreements between investors and the government concerned will be recorded and protected and protected by a grant from the Special Economic Zones Act۔

Remember that the talk about the project began in ⁇ and work has begun five years later today۔ It will have the capacity to clean 350,000 to 450,000 barrels of crude oil daily۔Also remember that after the announcement of the new refinery policy, Pakistani authorities also spoke with the United Arab Emirates (UAE ) and Azerbaijan for investment in the sector Has started the conversation۔Pakistan’s strong belief in the initial talks with the Saudi authorities was that it was a viable plan, so Pakistan should put its equity in it۔Pakistan، Saudi Arabia and Comfort were respected partners and have taken several rounds of talks to reach an agreement to move forward and eventually the plan will begin Has been۔
And remember that this trade plan may not use other currency bills, as announced by the government officials, in all types of currency in the lane Ready for religion۔ We can transaction in Saudi riyals, Chinese yuan, dollars and pounds, so it doesn’t matter which currency is۔In Pakistan, the refinery will be installed by the Saudi Comfort Company، The feasibility of which the studio has already been taken and the company is analyzing the procedure, including the engineering work required for the project۔The Comfortco Refinery project will increase Pakistan’s ability to clean oil, which is currently approximately 40 40,000 a day ( BPD)، Which is equivalent to 20 million tons per year۔At this stage, the country’s real potential is about 11 million tons, but this mega oil refinery and petrochemical complex are expected to provide technical assistance to Pakistan۔In addition, the project increases skills and the development of human capital, creating direct and indirect employment opportunities، It will also be beneficial for strengthening the relevant sectors and the socio-economic development of the country۔

Experts are hoping that the establishment of this refinery could save Pakistan at least three 3 billion a year۔ This will reduce foreign exchange pressure on the Pakistani economy in the future۔Audience These are the benefits that Junka will benefit at the national level، Globally, the benefits of this oil refinery are separate because oil exports to Pakistan will begin and will also be through Godar, the world’s most important port۔Take advantage of the port of Middle East and Saudi Arabia, the shortest maritime route۔ From which the voyage will be less than 12,000 kilometers to 2,000,295۔If we talk briefly, what is the oil refinery, remember that oil is not usable when extracted from the ground، That’s why it’s called crude oil۔ After cleaning it, it produces different products, including liquid petroleum gas ( LPG), petrol ( Gasoline ), carosine, jet fuel، Includes diesel and furnace oil۔The process of refining crude oil begins with a large distillation tower۔ Here, crude oil liquids and vapors are divided separately in their molecules in terms of weight and point of excitement۔ Kerosene، By further refining light and heavy nephtha and LPG, they are manufactured according to market standards and added more than 20 performance-enhancing additional components to fuel Go۔Manufactured products are stored in safe and large storage tanks, from which the delivery process continues in the market۔ According to government officials, the oil plant set up in Gwadar will have the capacity to clean up 300,000 barrels of oil per year.

The rich countries of Gwadar oil are close to Oman and Saudi Arabia, with raw materials easily reaching this port،With this business, Gwadar will be a new economic center in the region, the gateway to the Middle East۔The dream of regional integration makes Gwadar a center that connects the economies of South, Central and East Asia ( mainly China )۔ Strategic and political stability in the country is not only the Gwadar project but also the parties outside the region, such as the support of the United States or Pakistan’s hopes for achieving investment from the Middle East For example, it is very important۔ Every year, about 70,000 ships pass through various commercial goods, including the largest share of oil exports to the countries of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf۔The total amount of oil used by self-achen 6.1 million barrels per day 3.2 million barrels per day, ie 52phibus, pass through the Strait of Malaka from the Middle East to the Sea۔The construction of the C-Pack will reach the western part of China, not only by the large part of the oil but also from the Middle East and Africa۔It will also reduce costs and children in time۔In addition, exports based on Chinese products will be able to be sent to European countries in the Middle East, Africa and beyond at a low cost in a short time۔Along with this, Pakistan and other countries from the adjacent regions whose number is 60 k،If your trade starts through the C-pack, the movement of commercial ships in the western part of the Indian Ocean will increase dramatically۔In such a situation, the issue of providing satisfactory maritime security can be of significant importance۔


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